
If The Local News Starts Reporting Good News… Get Scared

People are drawn to the unexpected, the atypical and the different. We are intrigued by the stuff that isn’t the normal fair. That is why violence, murder and death is...

The Least Expensive Business to Start

Inevitably a service based business is the least expensive business to launch, because the primary asset is you. You can immediately start a car cleaning business, consulting business, or a...

Hiring Prematurely vs. Hiring Too Fast

You probably are already familiar with the old entrepreneurial adage, “Hire slowly. Fire quickly.”  Yet, entrepreneurs have the propensity to hire too quickly. They hire the first prospect they feel...

Don’t Compare

Don't compare yourself against others. They have their own path and you have yours. Your path may be that of a glacier – a relentless, unstoppable force. Their path may...

Misfit to Magnificent

The biggest compliment that you will ever get is that you are a misfit. It means that you don’t fit in with everyone else. It means you have a real...

Embrace Mistakes

I texted my wife years back with “I love you” but accidently typed “I live you.” We embraced it and it has been what we say to each other ever...

This Too Shall Pass

On a recent trip to the breathtaking island of Lanai, Hawaii, I witnessed an important lesson; It is human nature to believe that whatever is currently happening will likely happen...


A surge is an unyielding force. You can’t stop a surge, but you can capture it. Surfers catch a surge and ride it all the way to the beach. Entrepreneurs...

Divide It Until You Do It

Have a daunting task that is too big to get started? Divide it into two pieces.   Can you do one piece now? No? Divide it again.   Still to...

Decisive Action

Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who take decisive action.

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