
Are You Uncomfortable?

Growth happens when you are uncomfortable. When you exercise, that uncomfortable burn is your muscles strengthening. When you step on stage for your first ever speech, it's the necessary yet...

Unify Your Client Needs With Your Own

The common belief is that you must pivot your offering until you meet the needs of your customers. That is only partially correct. In fact pivoting to your client's needs,...

7 Actions to Reduce Stress In Seconds

Life is stressful, especially if you’re in a startup or are an entrepreneur. That’s why sugar, caffeine, high fat snacks and comfort food are so popular. The thing is, that...

Positive Thinking… Is It Bad For Your Business?

Is there such a thing as being too positive? Yes. Positively yes. At a recent Anthony Robbins event, run by the king of positive himself, nearly 24 people severely burned...

How To "Un-Gruntle" Disgruntled Employees

So you have an employee or two and they are disgruntled. That is a problem for lots of reasons but especially the function of your business. So how do you...

Early Adapters Versus Early Adopters

There is a lot of talk about early adopters, those risk taking customers who are the first to try out your product. But what about the early adapters? They are...

The Video Game Life

If you win a level in your favorite video game, the reward is the next, harder level. In life, you are winning levels when you get bigger challenges. Your job...

Shrimp with A Side of Dry Ice

A shrimp cocktail appetizer may sell for $12. A shrimp cocktail appetizer served in a “smoking” chilled glass, you know that cool dry ice effect that creates a fog cloud...

Have Fun Dad!

"Have fun Dad!" My kids always say that when I leave the house. I could be going to a lawyer’s office or a funeral (which are one and the same)...

Review Partnership Agreements Every Fifteen Months

It seems to be a tradition that business partnerships and operating agreements 1. Don’t ever get reviewed, or 2.They get reviewed once a year at the same time. Instead, review...

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