
Top 9 Tips to Increase Profitability for Gym Owners

Profit is key to sustaining any business and gym owners are not an exception. With as many workout types and preferences as there are people in the world, the most...

Convenience is Here to Stay

While price and quality are two important factors that customers desire, nothing beats convenience. Whatever you offer, you need to seek ways to improve its convenience. Home used to be...

At Least There Is Firm Footing at The Rock Bottom

Rock bottom. I have been there. It was my version, and might not be yours. But either way, it sucks. Rock bottom. When you hit it, sometimes you don’t bounce...

How To Turn A Miracle Into Routine

Getting a business off the ground is nothing short of a miracle. People who you never knew before are now clients (and they trust you with their business). People who...

Adjust Accordingly

I saw a random sign, at a random location, at a random moment. I paraphrased what it said: Step 1 – Write a list of things you love to do....

Utopia Corporation

If you are like most people in business, you strive to be the best. Heck, we all do, right? Problem is, so many businesses strive to be the best –...

Great Tips For Offering Credit To Your Customers

Let’s face it, we live in a credit society today. Everywhere we go we are paying with credit, getting offers for credit, and wishing we had more of it. But...

11 Leadership Styles To Avoid And How To Fix Them

Leadership is one of those things that every successful entrepreneur must have in order to succeed, but identifying what good leadership entails may not always be clear-cut for everyone. So...

Cut Down On The 5 Biggest Expenses In Your Business

Every business has expenses. And, as much as we don’t like them, they are part of the nature of what we do. But there are some things that businesses spend...

A Review of Skytop Lodge: The Collapse of an Icon

I realize that you may be reading this article because you are considering a stay at Skytop Lodge in Skytop, Pennsylvania. I provide a full review below. But if you...

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