June 27, 2013
Never Lose A Parking Garage Ticket Again
I don't know if you have ever lost a parking garage ticket, but let me tell you: it sucks! First of all, if there are parking attendants, they will struggle...
June 26, 2013
Better Answers Come From Better Questions
Some of my best ideas hit me in the shower. I’ll be singing away, shampooing my hair when. . . BAM! A great idea pops into my head and I...
June 25, 2013
Good Clients vs. No Clients vs. Bad Clients
All clients are not created equal. In fact, no client at all is better than a bad client. Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Pumpkin Plan & The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur...
June 24, 2013
False Urgency Kills Customer Loyalty
I recently bought my last proverbial truck load of coffee from CoffeeForLess. I have a Keurig, and found the CoffeeForLess site to be competitively priced for the Keurig cups. I...
June 23, 2013
The Best Marketing Method Of All Time
The best marketing method of all time: Amazing customer service. It always brings customers back. It always gets customers telling others. Try to consitently achieve that with any...
June 22, 2013
Do You Live In A Friendly Or Hostile Universe
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” – Albert Einstein So let’s say you call for pizza and when...
June 21, 2013
A Trick To Instantly Break Stress
With your finger draw an infinity sign (a figure eight laying on its side) in the air. Make it big. Keep your hand going in this motion continuously. As you...
June 20, 2013
Pricing Dictates Perception
What if BMW radically changed their pricing model? Imagine if BMW dropped the price of the car. Significantly. Same car, same service, same experience, just one difference: They price the...
June 19, 2013
Pleasant Surprises: The Catalyst Of Business Success
A few days ago I wrote about an unpleasant experience I had at a hotel. One small annoyance, and they lost my business permanently. When those small things are done...
June 18, 2013
You Are The Average Of Your Five Closest Friends
You are equal to your five closest friends. This is either good news or bad news, depending on the type of people you hang out with. You love your mob,...