Behavioral Influence

A Vertical Market Can Be A Mindset

I received an email from Blake, a business owner in Australia, this morning (at 3am, mind you). He joined an accountability group that is “Pumpkin Planning” their businesses. Each one...

People Buy What They Try

If you are at a clothing store and you try on a jacket, you are more likely to buy it now. If you are at a food store and sample...

Say It, Become It

There are disproportionately more Clay’s in the pottery business than people with other names. More people with the last name Singer sing and more Tyler’s tile than other folks. And...

McDonald’s Sneaky Trick To Making More Money From You

Back in September 2013, McDonald’s began a campaign for their Premium Roast Coffee. Started in California, the campaign (perhaps due to its success) has grown countrywide. Buy any size cup...

The Most Persuasive Font

Back in 2012 a cool experiment was run, unknowingly, on readers of the New York Times. Errol Morris feigned a survey to see if readers responded differently to different fonts. ...

Black Friday Is A Manufactured Event

I want to let you in on a little secret: Today, Black Friday, didn't just happen, it was manufactured. People didn't miraculously figure out that the best shopping deals of...

Prevent Stealing With A Picture Of Eyes

Studies show that people adhere to rules more when they think they are being watched, even if the watching eyes are fake. A recent stop at a McDonald's showed this...

A Lesson In Profitability – Admit Your Mistakes

Does it frustrate you when a politician or business leader or friend explains away their bad judgment call (or illegal activity)? Do you lose faith in them when they try...

The Way To Sequence Pricing In Proposals

I am on a little bit of a pricing strategy kick this week. In addition to removing decimals and dollar signs, consider changing the sequence of your proposal to include...

A More Persuasive Way To Display Prices

Buyers have a negative association to dollar signs and decimals. Even if it is for a fraction of a second, $39.00 feels more negative to consumers than 39 does. That's...

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