Cash Flow

How To Raise Prices When You Are Afraid Of Losing Clients

Inevitably the biggest challenge you will ever get for raising your prices will not be from your clients, but will come from you.  You will fear losing your clients, even...

Grow Your Business Faster By Paying Yourself

When I’m consulting with clients looking to invigorate and grow their businesses, one question I often ask is: “Who’s your most valuable employee?”  They inevitably give me the wrong answer....

The Biggest Competitive Advantage Goes To Small Businesses

Every entrepreneur knows that starting and growing a small business is a challenge.  We don’t have the enormous resources – financial and otherwise – that the big guys do, and...

Get Paid 5 Times Faster In 5 Ways

Whether you bill weekly, monthly, or as needed, most of us work on 30-day terms.  When you look at your receivables, though, and add in the collection period, those terms...

7 Steps To Get Your Company Acquired For Big Bucks

I’ve sold two companies, and the sales were vastly different experiences, with wildly different results.  When I was approached about the sale of my first company, I wasn’t looking to...

Are You Losing Money on Payroll? – by TSheets

How to improve your business productivity and save thousands of dollars on payroll each year. If you have a business with 10 employees making $10/hour, you will overpay close to...

Is "Financial Freedom" Your Biggest Trap?

There is a popular parable, The Tourist & The Mexican Fisherman, that I want to paraphrase for you. It goes something like this – an American tourist visits Mexico and...

More Income (And Profits) With A Recurring Revenue Model

In the business world, we all have the same basic goal – to make money. And then to make more of it. While there are a variety of ways to...

Take Your Profit First, Always

The formula for profitability has been established for ages. Every business owner, CEO, freelancer and entrepreneur knows it. It is even supported - scratch that, required - by Generally Accepted...

Free Minus The R Is Fee

You know this... there is no free lunch. Inevitably there is some kind of expense. If it’s not your wallet, it’s your time. Another way to look at FREE is...

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