Entrepreneur Strategies

The 80/20 Rule; 80% Accurate 20% Of The Time

Are you familiar with the 80/20 Rule, often referred to as Pareto’s Rule? Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist in the 19th century, was directed by the King of Italy to...

Breaking Rules

As I write this, I just finished hosting the 2015 Rule Breaker Awards. Amazing entrepreneur after amazing entrepreneur was recognized for breaking the rules. Then it hit me like a...

The Shoulder

I am working on my next book as I write this. One of the privileges of being an author is you get to speak with extraordinary people from all walks...

A Bad Economy Can Be A Good Thing; Here’s 7 Reasons Why

You read the headline correctly! You know all too well that the economy issues have taken its toll on the country. But there is always a silver lining, and the...

The Poem Of The Struggling Entrepreneur

e. Two. There’s anything I’ll do... Three. Four. To serve the next knock at the door.. Five. Six. Even if it’s outside my offering mix... Seven. Eight. Any opportunity of...

The Inevitable Entrepreneurial Question: How Much You Should Pay Yourself?

Every entrepreneur stumbles sooner or later with the question of what they should be paying themselves. It is a fair question and one that you shouldn’t ask without doing a...

Increase Your Close Rate By 25% With This Killer Sales Technique

I originally started the introduction to this article by explaining to you that my industry is soooooo competitive.  It is…truly.  I’m an author, and any time I’m pitching a new...

One More

The best athlete takes one more lap than the other guy. The best student studies one more hour than the other guy. The best entrepreneur does one more thing than...

How To Raise Prices When You Are Afraid Of Losing Clients

Inevitably the biggest challenge you will ever get for raising your prices will not be from your clients, but will come from you.  You will fear losing your clients, even...

7 Techniques To Help Permanently Remove Stress

The good news is that we are more productive than ever. Way more productive.  That bad news is we are more stressed than ever.  Everyone is.  It has become a...

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