February 18, 2016
Doing More, Faster: The Hidden Secret
If you are like most people in business, you are looking to do more, faster. This is evident from even a quick search on for books about productivity. One...
February 11, 2016
How Noble Are Your Goals?
Jim Collins famously has taught us to set BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in his book Built To Last. Together these goals define the big vision you have for your...
February 5, 2016
The Best Wins, The Better Goes Unnoticed
The faster runners are unknown, but the fastest is - Usain Bolt. Stronger financial returns are nice, but the strongest financial returns are what everyone wants. There out countless companies...
January 15, 2016
6 Negative Traits Of Entrepreneurship That Remain Unspoken
I’m a member of an entrepreneur group. It’s full of people whose names you’d recognize, owners of companies with a world-wide presence. I was stunned at one of the meetings...
January 12, 2016
The Best Time To Sell Your Business
When you need money the most. . . when your sales are good, but your profits are bad. . . when you are exhausted and don’t want the business any...
December 22, 2015
You Are Your Name
This article exemplifies the power of the words we use… There are more “Clays” in the pottery business compared to other namesakes. There are more “Melodies” and people with the...
December 16, 2015
Hire People Who Care
I don't care what your skills are. If you don't give a shit, it will be reflected in what you do. And I, your employer, will lose. I could give...
December 10, 2015
Be Unique. Be Interesting.
Not a single unique person has universal appeal. Not a single interesting person is universally liked. Yet the people with the courage to be truly unique are the most interesting....
December 8, 2015
The Bigger The Fix, The Bigger The Pay
The bigger problem you solve, the more you will get paid to solve it. Fix big problems.
December 4, 2015
Job, Career or Mission
Most people have a job. It is volatile. It is a means to an end. Their future is in the hands of others. At some point, if you make it,...