
Congratulations to Hal Elrod – Author of Miracle Morning

My pal, Hal Elrod, has written a wonderfully life-affirming book, Miracle Morning, The Not-So-Obvious Secret to Change Your Life. If you watch anything today, please watch this interview with Hal...

10 Tips to Improve Your Habits – and Your Business

As we wrap up the year, I hope you and yours are well. While it may all be a blur, 2020 is just about over. I won’t lament on what...

For positive results in your business, do this!

 The results you want? It's all in your head! What I mean by this is simple. The more positive you are, the more positive results you will drive. Check...

Kick 2020’s butt!

 There are a lot of 2020 memes floating around out there...none of them pleasant. How will 2020 end for you? Some of you have told me you’re doing just...

A Simple Hack to Succeed in a Challenge

   When things get challenging, what is the main quality you have that gets you through? For me, it’s adaptability. It's integral and a catalyst to make positive changes...

Recharge Yourself – Recharge your Business

You cannot move your business forward by worrying. You cannot grow if you are burnt out. At this point, I doubt you’re firing on all cylinders. It’s time to recharge....

Business Applications for Facebook On The Rise

You know all about how companies have been using mobile applications to help boost their bottom line. Now, get ready for Facebook applications to be the next big thing! Development...

Under-Do Your Competition

In the world of business, competition seems to be everything. But knowing where to draw the line regarding how you strive to live up to, or surpass, that competition can...

Small Step Prospecting

Don't send me an email telling me to “click here in the next five seconds” or I will forever lose the deal of a lifetime. Don't call me asking me...

Surrounded With Naysayers? Here’s 12 Ways To Deal With Them

You have a great idea. Yet, the naysayers tell you it will never work. If you let them, naysayers can crush your dreams. If you don’t confront them they’ll continue...

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