
How Do I Know That My Employees Trust Me?

The fundamental underpinning for life itself is trust. If people didn’t have trust, they wouldn’t even get-up in the morning. Think about it. Your employee trusts the floor is going...

8 Suggestions to Improve Your Sales Team’s Performance

A sales team is the backbone of many companies. In order for your company to profit and grow, you need an effective sales team to bring in the big bucks!...

What Makes Great Marketing, Great?

Great marketing generates educated, filtered prospects who are convinced you have the right solution for them. Your sales team gets inquiries from qualified, knowledgeable prospects. Their job is simply to...

The Deathbed Thoughts of an Entrepreneur

So you are one of those hard-core, hard-driving, workaholic entrepreneurs, right? You’re a winner! I get it. And I applaud you, or at least I would have applauded you years...

The Poem Of The Struggling Entrepreneur

e. Two. There’s anything I’ll do... Three. Four. To serve the next knock at the door.. Five. Six. Even if it’s outside my offering mix... Seven. Eight. Any opportunity of...

Helpful Money Metrics to Help Monitor The Health of Your Company

When most people want to know how they’re doing financially, they look at their bank balance and see what’s there.  Bank balance accounting – although wildly popular – is a...

The Inevitable Entrepreneurial Question: How Much You Should Pay Yourself?

Every entrepreneur stumbles sooner or later with the question of what they should be paying themselves. It is a fair question and one that you shouldn’t ask without doing a...

What Do You Stand For?

What do you stand for? What is your purpose? How is your company a platform for your purpose? So, tell me. What do you stand for? Got it? Good. Now...

Get Happy About Your Work Again! Here’s 8 Ways To Do It

Hate your work? Do you know why? It’s because you’ve lost your purpose. I mean you could happily carry a load of rocks on your back for 100 miles if...

7 Risks You Should Be Aware Of When Using The Cloud

It’s not uncommon for business owners who aren’t particularly tech savvy to hear about running their business on the Cloud and go full-steam ahead heedless of the costs – both...

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