Behavioral Influence
July 29, 2013
The Little Things Are What Customers Care About
In this episode of On A Roll, Mike Michalowicz explains why you need to excel at the little things. Customers don't notice the big things you do right, because they...
July 24, 2013
Don't Play Pricing Tricks With Customers
I arrived at the car rental desk after a long flight. I just wanted to get to my hotel room as soon as possible, so I could crash. Anything that...
July 22, 2013
How To Price Your Business Services
Prospects and customers see price as a reflection of value. Ironically, lowering your prices may in fact scare customers away, because they believe you are low quality. Increasing prices on...
July 13, 2013
How To Deal With Annoying People (The FroMLE Technique)
The FroMLE Technique Even though I have an Immutable Law, No Dicks Allowed, I still run into some opinionated, strong and occasionally obnoxious personalities. It can be a vendor or...
July 10, 2013
Be A Better Networker By Playing Networking Solitaire
The key to networking is not in the talking, it is in the listening and asking questions. This is true for a few reasons: 1. People like people who are...
July 7, 2013
Front Loading Web Content
Movie trailers are front loads of the movies they pitch. Advertisements are front loads of the product or service they sell. Newspaper articles are front loaded to pack the essence...
July 4, 2013
Don't Be The "The"
There is an interesting phenomena that happens when you do a lot of speaking – you see a lot of other people speak. They can teach you a lot. Over...
June 29, 2013
The Most Loyal Customers Do Some Of The Work
In Dan Ariely's TED talk, he explains the power of the Ikea Effect. The concept is this: If you can get the customers to do some of the work to...
June 24, 2013
False Urgency Kills Customer Loyalty
I recently bought my last proverbial truck load of coffee from CoffeeForLess. I have a Keurig, and found the CoffeeForLess site to be competitively priced for the Keurig cups. I...
June 21, 2013
A Trick To Instantly Break Stress
With your finger draw an infinity sign (a figure eight laying on its side) in the air. Make it big. Keep your hand going in this motion continuously. As you...