Consumer Behavior

Why People Talk About The Weather

It seems like many conversations include dialog about the weather.  Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too windy, too still or just right.  There’s not much else to...


My friend, Barrett owns a lawn care business. To grow his company he hired a company to do outbound calls as the new season approached. As frustrating as it may...

Is Being Available All The Time Killing Your Business?

Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, the famous writer and scientist, was quoted as once saying, “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” His philosophy couldn’t be more true,...

4 Phrases of Amazing Customer Service

I’ve grown my companies by focusing on great customer service. We didn’t always have the biggest names in business working at the firm, and we sure couldn’t always afford the...

How To Name Your New Company

If you are picking a company name the old fashion way you are in trouble. You know what I am talking about — brainstorm names how customers can quickly figure...

The Next Knock At The Door

It is the achilles heel of every struggling entrepreneur. We answer the next knock at the door. The next prospect that seeks service (and has some money in their hand)...

You Are Your Name

This article exemplifies the power of the words we use… There are more “Clays” in the pottery business compared to other namesakes. There are more “Melodies” and people with the...

Profitable Pricing in Four Steps

A jewelry store at a busy cruise ship port had a store full of items, one of which wasn’t selling, despite its relatively modest price of $25.  Frustrated and worried...

Bad Decision Makers Have These 8 Tendencies

I’ve been an entrepreneur for a lot of years.  At one point, I’d started, grown, and sold a couple of businesses, and I thought I knew everything there was to...

Ask for Money. Ask for Advice

Ask for money and you get advice. Ask for advice and you get money.

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