August 4, 2016
Misfit to Magnificent
The biggest compliment that you will ever get is that you are a misfit. It means that you don’t fit in with everyone else. It means you have a real...
August 3, 2016
Embrace Mistakes
I texted my wife years back with “I love you” but accidently typed “I live you.” We embraced it and it has been what we say to each other ever...
August 2, 2016
This Too Shall Pass
On a recent trip to the breathtaking island of Lanai, Hawaii, I witnessed an important lesson; It is human nature to believe that whatever is currently happening will likely happen...
July 29, 2016
A surge is an unyielding force. You can’t stop a surge, but you can capture it. Surfers catch a surge and ride it all the way to the beach. Entrepreneurs...
July 28, 2016
Divide It Until You Do It
Have a daunting task that is too big to get started? Divide it into two pieces. Can you do one piece now? No? Divide it again. Still to...
July 27, 2016
Decisive Action
Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who take decisive action.
July 26, 2016
Top 9 Tips to Increase Profitability for Gym Owners
Profit is key to sustaining any business and gym owners are not an exception. With as many workout types and preferences as there are people in the world, the most...
July 22, 2016
Convenience is Here to Stay
While price and quality are two important factors that customers desire, nothing beats convenience. Whatever you offer, you need to seek ways to improve its convenience. Home used to be...
July 21, 2016
At Least There Is Firm Footing at The Rock Bottom
Rock bottom. I have been there. It was my version, and might not be yours. But either way, it sucks. Rock bottom. When you hit it, sometimes you don’t bounce...
July 19, 2016
How To Turn A Miracle Into Routine
Getting a business off the ground is nothing short of a miracle. People who you never knew before are now clients (and they trust you with their business). People who...