passion for what you do

What Passion Is Not

I saw this billboard in New York City.  It totally misrepresents passion.  Passion is not the feature - what we do. Passion is in the benefit - why we do...

Passion Is Not What You Do. It Is Why You Do What You Do

I have met entrepreneur after entrepreneur who started a business with tons of inspiration, excitement and energy only to lose their mojo months or years later. Their passion faded. At...

How Passion Leads To Success

A guest post by Rodrigo Laddaga of EMyth en ESPAÑOL   Passion is a topic that is covered by many authors and gurus in these past decades, but I still see that...

Passion For What You Do

My friend was the second child born to his parents. When he was about to have his own second child, his mother shared a story with him. She explained that...

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