Customer Service

Less Is More

Could you imagine a fruit stand that just sold bananas? Kinda lame, don't you think? Customers want variety. Where's the blueberries? The apples? The mangoes? Where's all the options? The...

Have Great Client Meetings in These 12 Unexpected Places

Holding meetings with clients is a given. At some point just about all entrepreneurs need to meet with their client. But where you meet can make a big difference. So...


The marketplace is an ocean and it is the only place you can capture waves. When you are in the ocean... do everything you can to ride a wave. Don’t...

Why People Talk About The Weather

It seems like many conversations include dialog about the weather.  Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, too windy, too still or just right.  There’s not much else to...

The Best Wins, The Better Goes Unnoticed

The faster runners are unknown, but the fastest is - Usain Bolt. Stronger financial returns are nice, but the strongest financial returns are what everyone wants. There out countless companies...

Is Being Available All The Time Killing Your Business?

Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, the famous writer and scientist, was quoted as once saying, “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” His philosophy couldn’t be more true,...

4 Phrases of Amazing Customer Service

I’ve grown my companies by focusing on great customer service. We didn’t always have the biggest names in business working at the firm, and we sure couldn’t always afford the...

The Next Knock At The Door

It is the achilles heel of every struggling entrepreneur. We answer the next knock at the door. The next prospect that seeks service (and has some money in their hand)...

Choice Is Killing Your Business

Are you running a business or a smorgasbord? I get. You love your customers. You want to make them happy, meet their every need and grant their every wish. So...

The Best Advertising Method Ever

The best advertising method ever? It's not Facebook. It's not email blasts or pay-per-click. It isn't even a Super Bowl ad. The best marketing has always been word-of-mouth, where your...

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