
Experience Vs. Opinion

Everyone’s got an opinion. Only a few have experience. Experience trumps opinion. Every. Single. Time.

Competing On Convenience

Convenience. It’s one of your customers greatest desires. A house used to be a cave. Drinking water was in a river a mile away. Dinner was a day’s (or week’s)...

McDonald’s Sneaky Trick To Making More Money From You

Back in September 2013, McDonald’s began a campaign for their Premium Roast Coffee. Started in California, the campaign (perhaps due to its success) has grown countrywide. Buy any size cup...

Which Competitor Is Your Biggest Threat?

It seems most entrepreneurs fear the big players in their industry. We set our guns on the industry Goliath because if we can take them down, we can then take...

The Million Dollar Question (With A Twist)

Most people know how they would answer the question, “What would you do with a million dollars?” The replies are usually about stuff – new house, new car, bigger this,...

The 11 Steps To Firing An Employee

Being a business leader is not all roses and gumdrops (I suspect you already knew that). You will be required to fire someone at some point. Perhaps it is based...

Never Confuse Income With Wealth

Never confuse significant income with significant wealth. Never confuse activity with efficiency, nor efficiency with productivity. Never confuse workaholism with actual results. Forever spend less than you make, and significant...

Keep Your Secret Sauce Secret

When is the last time you whipped up a batch of Kentucky Fried Chicken at home? Not the time you tried and nearly burned the kitchen down, the time you...

How To Build Powerful Rapport With Your Clients

Have you have ever wondered how it is that some of your competitors seem to always be in harmony with their clients, while others fight to stay in their good...

How To Bring Out The Best In Your Employees

It has been said before that everyone has a talent of some sort. And while this may be true, it is also true that many people never really get a...

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