
Prevent Stealing With A Picture Of Eyes

Studies show that people adhere to rules more when they think they are being watched, even if the watching eyes are fake. A recent stop at a McDonald's showed this...

The Pizza Test

How many people does it take to tackle your toughest challenges? Surprisingly few! Five or six people is an effective brainstorm, ten is a distraction, and twenty or more is...

A Lesson In Profit First: How Healthy Is Your Business?

As I conducted interviews for Profit First, I found a scary trend. Of the 300+ entrepreneurs I spoke with for this book, most are quick to share - scratch that,...

Competitor Being Acquired?

After Penn State's massive Sandusky scandal broke, the football program went into turmoil. Fines, penalties loss of scholarships and a need to realign the entire program. During this turmoil other...

Need Client Insights? Become A (Temporary) Journalist!

Do you want to know what your top clients and prospects really need from you? Do you want to know the biggest problems or opportunities they face? Do you want...

Great Is Just A Little More Than Good

The Olympics are just around the corner. Just like the prior Olympics and the ones before that, the first place medal winners will be two seconds or two inches or...

Crushing The Competition? Bad Move!

I loved the thought of crushing my competition. I reveled in their struggles. My goal wasn't to get more clients per se.  My goal was to take more clients away...

Criticism & Fear

Fear only happens when the words of criticism match your own beliefs.  What do you choose to believe?

A Lesson In Profitability – Admit Your Mistakes

Does it frustrate you when a politician or business leader or friend explains away their bad judgment call (or illegal activity)? Do you lose faith in them when they try...

Fill The Gas Tank The Night Before

Sometimes when I am driving home, after a late night at work, I notice that my car is low on gas. I then consider if I should I fill it...

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