
Go-Getters Showcase

Meet Our Go-Getters These Go-Getters have been instrumental catalysts in educating fellow small business owners in the innovative Get Different marketing system. They are a part of what made the...

A Clockwork 4 Week Vacation – Case Study of Cyndi Thomason of bookskeep

What does this picture remind you of? I think it looks a lot like that still from Gone With the Wind, the one taken just after Scarlett O’Hara says, “As...

The Dirty Truth About Success

I’m tired of people who say success isn’t about money. Success is absolutely about money. You do need to be rich to be successful. The truth may be dirty, it...

What Am I Doing Right?

Right now, pick up the phone, call your best client and after the appropriate niceties ask them this question: “What am I doing right?” They will surely share some details....

Build Raving Fans in 7 Ways

Marketing is about connecting with consumers. Great marketing, though, is about transforming those consumers into fans, raving fans – people who feel loyalty, and feel invested in your business and...

The Absolute Source for Every Entrepreneur’s Success

As soon as Donald Trump mentioned it about any of his competitors their pole numbers hit the skids. I’m referring to having low energy. Being an entrepreneur is more than...

25 Business Quotes To Live By

Entrepreneurs in general are take-charge, independent people. I sure fit into this mold myself, but I also recognize the wisdom that can be gleaned from the words of business and...

7 Techniques To Help Permanently Remove Stress

The good news is that we are more productive than ever. Way more productive.  That bad news is we are more stressed than ever.  Everyone is.  It has become a...

Arguing With Your Business Partner (It’s A Good Thing)

I have had multiple business partners over the years, and realized that the most successful businesses came from partners that I argued with. I believe, in fact, that arguing is...

Unselling Is On The Rise

It is human nature to crave that which is exclusive – reserved only for a certain few.  Knowing that a product is in limited supply, or only offered to certain...

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