Marketing Strategies

Why Social Media Is Killing Your Business

If you spend some time reading business articles, you are bound to come across those that contain glowing remarks about using social media. Probably 99 percent of the articles out...

How to Properly Define Your Brand

As an entrepreneur you probably already know how important your brand is. Your brand really lets people know who you are and what you are about. In fact, it really...

A Truly Simple, Effective Marketing Idea

Pretty cool way to promote Yoga if you ask me. A flexible straw represents the flexibility Yoga gives you. How about you? What inanimate object would represent your business well?

Truth In Advertising? You Be The Judge!

So I was enjoying a delicious sodium free seltzer when…..wait a second….sodium free? Now, I am sure there is some stipulation that says 5mg of sodium is considered "sodium free"...

Behavioral Based Email Marketing: Linear Progression Copy

When it comes to email marketing, here's what doesn't work… spam. In fact, because of this, many businesses fail to ever even consider email marketing. They don't want to be...

5 Ways To Getting Referrals

No pictures, not much text. Just 55 seconds until you are getting the best word of mouth marketing for free! 1. One Hand Washes The Other By pitching a client...

Do Your Own PR

Let’s get this straight right now: PR stands for Public Relations. Too many entrepreneurs think it is simply a different word for marketing. It’s not. Marketing is marketing. Public Relations...

New Business? You Need That First Client, Now!!!

Oh, that elusive first client. We desperately need them to get our neophyte business off the ground. Their referrals are the key to subsequent business… to sustaining our business. And,...

Want To Dominate An Industry? Write A Book

Christmas morning could have been your day. All those eager gift getters could have seen your face as they drooled over your new amazing book. Your book! Do you hear...

How To Win Business Awards

I used to think winning an award was just a silly thing. More of an ego stroke than anything else. But the day I won the Young Entrepreneur of The...

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